Thursday, May 11, 2017

God Is Uncreated Imprinted On Illuminated Pen

Here is a pen I had imprinted.

On the bottom row is the url to one of my blog pages. It was hard to show it in the picture.

Thursday, December 31, 2015

New Idea For Sowing A Seed

Here is an idea I have had for years, but have not been able to do anything with it because of the cost. I want to create a graphic and have it displayed on a billboard. I would love to have it on an electric billboard, but for obvious reasons, I cannot do anything about this idea except make the graphic.

Here is the background of the graphic

This is the background for the billboard. It is a simple picture of the clouds. I just noticed a tree on the bottom. Not sure if that should be left in there or removed.

Here are the words that will be on the billboard (if I can get my graphics program onto my new computer!):

God is uncreated
He never had a beginning
has always been in existence!

Maybe I can make all the words capitalized.

God Is Uncreated
He Never Had A Beginning
And Has
Always Been In Existence!

How about centering the words properly?

   God Is Uncreated
He Never Had A Beginning
         And Has
Always Been In Existence!

Feel free to share your thoughts and opinions on which would look best!

Sunday, October 4, 2015

Trick Or Treater Tract

Here is a tract I designed for the end of October, you know, when the trick or treaters come to your door.
On one side, it tells how the devil 'tricked' Eve into disobeying God, and ultimately, why we need a Savior today. On the other side, it has the story of Jesus raising Lazarus from the dead. It also has a link to my evangelism web site.
Feel free to download this tract for you use. Please take advantage of the opportunity to spread the Gospel on October 31st.
Side 1 of the Trick or Treat tract

Side 2 of the Trick or Treat tract
They are sideways so that they can go through your printer without your having to change the positioning setting. I printed mine on 4 X 6 blank index cards. I also laminated mine, but you don't have to. You will have to change the paper size when you go to print them out.
I am attaching colorful lollipops to mine. You can buy fancy lollipops that are small enough to tape on the cards from Oriental Trading Company

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Is It Just My Eyes or What Could The Problem Be?

OK, I have had fun learning an easy way to make 3-D graphics from Photoshop Elements 8, but I am not seeing anything exciting about these graphics. Am I missing something?
I just finished the graphic for the top of this blog page. I put on my 3-D glasses and wonder, so what? What am I supposed to be seeing? I look at 3-D pictures, and there is nothing exciting about them. Maybe it's the glasses?
  I love doing this, so I will learn the many ways to create visuals that can be interesting to look at and bring out a good point of truth. I look forward to learning more of Photoshop Elements too.

Get out your 3-D glasses and see if you can see the effects

I don't know what I'm supposed to be seeing. Maybe if you all get your 3-D glasses out and look at the pic, you will see whatever it is that is supposed to be there. 

Friday, May 30, 2014

New Blog Page On Evangelism Graphics

  I don't consider myself an artist, but as I get older and more creative, I see the need for doing artwork, whether it be on the computer or some other way. This blog will be used to help one another make graphics or optical illusions that can help illustrate aspects of the Gospel message, or they can be used to point to something that will eventually come around to the Gospel message.
  I want to make a few disclaimers first. I know that the Gospel is the ultimate goal for anything we do. If I do an optical illusion with cards, and I 'wow' people with that trick, the point would be missed if I only wowed the people with the illusion. If they remember the card trick but don't remember the Gospel message, then I have failed to communicate the Gospel to them in doing the illusion. We don't want that. We want people to enjoy the illusions or graphics that we produce, but the ultimate goal is to communicate the Gospel message to them.
   I also know that there are some groups of Christians who are opposed to using visual aids in teaching. I am sorry for you and this page will not serve you if that is your mind set. Regardless of what these people say, Jesus did use object lessons when He taught the people and many remembered what He taught as He used visuals in His teachings.
  The Bible or Scriptures, are the word of God. God promises His word will not return to Him void. The Gospel is the 'power of God unto salvation'. When God's word becomes activated in a person's heart by the Holy Spirit, that person is changed. As cool as graphics are, and as entertaining as optical illusions can be, they are only a means to another end. That must always be kept in mind.
  Finally, we live in a culture that is saturated in entertainment and technology. The mindset of people who live in our society is one of seeking entertainment. While we know that living for something other than God is idolatry, we do take advantage of the ways our culture can be reached (as long as deliberate sin is not involved). We become all things to all people so we can relate to them. Not only do we relate to them, but we are part of them. The difference is that we can enjoy watching a person doing illusions or looking at 3-D graphics, while keeping everything in perspective. We don't worship graphics or artwork, nor do we live for them. They are just tools to help us communicate the words of life to those around us.
   Feel free to share your artwork with me. Of course, I will not accept anything pornographic or obscene, or even anything that opposes Scriptures in any way. No slander or bullying people will be tolerated here. Artwork and graphics must pertain in some way to the Gospel message or Scriptures. Anything presented here must bring glory to God in some way, and point people to the truth. I will delete anything objectionable or debatable.